Tuesday, 17 December 2013

A Poem of Joy

November 18, 2013 at 2:22am

I can never write a poem of Joy-
One that can bring the peace and contentment;
One a reader can enjoy;
A poem filled with love and rejoices;
I can't write one even if I had the choice;

Never attempted to write a poem filled with two people in unflinching love;
Or a group of people dancing ecstatically;
Maybe because it reminds me of my broken heart which aches me severely;
Never wrote a poem of happy chirping birds in Utopian forest as my mind,
Limited to the devastating land of rocks filled with the darkest;

The sour and bitter words flow out constantly
As I write like I'm passionate to pen down the depressed thoughts filed with no light;
Spilling out the emotions of hate, rage and anger towards one and all
One, all either one or all;
Being reprimanded and separated like one disease infected living being deserving to die;
I cry Day and night to vomit the inky black pitch of darkness;

Can never write a poem of joy-
That can wipe the tears of a weeping woman, lonely in her room
 Trying to stop the endless leakage by cheering herself up
What maybe the consequence is unknown to the third eye;
Or can take kid to a world of euphoria, 
A fantasy it craves,
A mere imagination of luck and heroism;
Or can never soothe a man loving poetry
Trying hard to find comfort after hours of arduous work;
Wants nothing but sweet and loving words to read;
To drive away the tiredness brought by work
Or can lull a months old baby
Whose mother, tries to by reading one poem filled of tales of the old folklore;

I can or will never ever write a poem of joy
 As I don't know of how it looks or feels
As I never sensed its presence.


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